(English) RWANDA: Supreme Court adjourns to 16 April the appeal of political prisoner Ingabire.

Kigali25 March 2013
Finally the Supreme Court has postponed to 16 April 2013 Ingabire appeal according to the court schedule, hearing dates and court calendar.
The hearing today informed the parties of this arrangement but allowed the co-accuseds who, at the same time, are prosecutor’s witnesses to present their pleas for relief because the time they have already served in prison is much higher than the sentences they received in the first instance.

Mr. Sylvain Sibomana, FDU-Inkingi Interim Secretary General, was arrested and beaten by at least 5 police officers within the Supreme Court premises. His phone and camera were confiscated. He was taken to Kicukiro police station along with some other members of the opposition, including Mr. Dominique Shyirambere. We don’t yet have the figure of people who were arrested or assaulted by the police in this new intimidation spree.

Boniface Twagirimana
Interim Vice President.

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