29th January 2013.
Hon. John Kerry
Secretary of State
U.S Department of State
Washington D.C.
Dear Hon. Kerry,
On behalf of the Rwanda National Congress (RNC-Ihuriro) and United Democratic Forces (FDU-Inkingi), it is our pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your confirmation as the new U.S. Secretary of State. The trust that you have deservedly earned from the U.S. President and your peers in the U.S. Senate, coupled with your long and distinguished service to the American people, have undoubtedly prepared you for this new and challenging diplomatic endeavor.

The 21st century world that you will seek to learn about and change, on behalf of the United States, has multiple threats: wars among and within nations, climate change, genocide and other serious human rights abuses, poverty and disease, terrorism, narcotics, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, dictatorship, etc. It is an era of uncertainty and fear.
Ours is also a world of opportunities, in which the United States is both called upon to act in partnership with others, while playing a vanguard leadership role in shaping this same world. As the Chief Diplomat of the world’s leading power, you will be managing this inherent tension in international affairs.
Our country Rwanda and the region we live in, the Great Lakes, are to a large extent a prism through which these global concerns can be greatly appreciated locally. We hope that through your wise leadership, you will help bring to the attention of the American people and the larger international community the plight of ordinary people in this region who are yearning for freedom, security, peace and shared prosperity.
Tonight as the news reach our part of the world, many will ask: “Will Secretary of State Kerry be the champion of the suffering people, or will he play business as usual?”
We pray that you will play your rightful role with strength, humility, grace and optimism. We hope that you will be remembered as the Secretary of State who inspired generations to believe that it is right and fitting, indeed honorable, to serve as a champion of a great people, a great nation, and a voice of those still searching for freedom.
You can count on us as serious partners in this noble cause for freedom, peace, common security, and shared prosperity.
Please accept, Honorable Secretary of State, the assurance of our highest regards.
Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana
External Co-ordinator

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa
Washington D.C.

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