(English) FDU-Inkingi and RNC-Ihuriro attended a regional preparatory meeting in Oslo

Oslo, 20 April 2013
Today, 20 April 2013 in Oslo (Norway) together with people from the African Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, South Sudan) and Norwegian friends, members of the platform FDU-INKINGI and Rwanda National Congress (RNC) attended a preparatory conference on the African Great Lakes sub-region.
Our delegation comprises Jonathan Musonera (Head of Mobilisation, RNC)  and Sixbert Musangamfura (External relations commissioner, FDU-INKINGI).
The overall objective of this preparatory process is to provide guidance and to facilitate consultations in order to ensure the coordination of a conference on the African great lakes sub-region that will take place in Oslo in September 2013 bringing together people from the region, members of civil and political organisations, researchers, members of Norwegian local or international organisations. The conference will address key issues of human rights and lasting solution in the Eastern DRC and Rwanda.
On behalf of the platform FDU-INKINGI / RNC we express our deep gratitude to local partners, organisers and Norwegian international organisations.

Jonathan Musonera
Head of Mobilisation
Sixbert Musangamfura
External Relations Commissioner

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