The ideological, political and moral bankruptcy of the RPF and its inability to reconcile the Rwandan people are proven facts. A feeling of structural mistrust and stiffness undermines the country, which is sinking deeper and deeper into a disastrous socio-economic and political situation. The economic and social bankruptcy of the RPF regime, masked by a Mafia-style privatization policy, plunged large layers of the population into misery. The State and the entire social system are in a situation of generalized decay.

In addition, the RPF transformed the Rwandan tragedy into a business aimed at preventing the search and manifestation of the truth about the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and all other violations of the law. international humanitarian law committed since 1990. The Rwandan genocide is used for purposes of repression of any political protest and to protect the criminals of the regime from any prosecution, whether by national justice or international justice, thus inflicting on some victims a denial of justice. Structurally unstable and unable to transform into a national movement capable of coping with the demands of modern democracy, the RPF only cultivates and manages structural disorder to maintain its hegemony over Rwandan society.

At the regional level, the non-resolution of internal conflicts in Rwanda is at the center of the emergence and development of insecurity. The arrival of the RPF aggravated pre-existing tensions and created new ones, making Rwanda a hotbed of crisis and antagonism between peoples and a structural source of tension and destabilization for all the countries of the Great Lakes region.

The FDU find this situation not only unacceptable, morally and politically, but also dangerous for Rwanda and for the entire Great Lakes region. They consider that the peace and security of this region do not depend only on the simple disarmament and the simple repatriation of the members of the Rwandan armed groups present on the territories of the neighboring States of Rwanda, but above all and first of all on the global settlement of political conflicts. internal to Rwanda.

About Us

The United Democratic Forces (UDF-Inkingi) are a Rwandese political organisation that was created by Rwandan exiles with a key objective of ending totalitarianism that has been established the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) party and to replace it with the rule of law in Rwanda, a good governance underpinned by democratic values, justice, equal opportunity and ethnic harmony. That moral responsibility has become a necessity given that the RPF regime is driven by ethnic discrimination, injustice and state sponsored terror both inside and outside of Rwanda.

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