
The Unified Democratic Forces are made up of political organizations and unaffiliated personalities

we are determined to offer the Rwandan people a democratic alternative to the dictatorial regime of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The FDU are convinced that the construction of a State must be centered on the dignity of the human person, enjoying his freedom and his rights and responding to his obligations.

What we Are

The FDU constitute a political framework whose aim is to:

bring together the Rwandan democratic opposition and jointly define the actions to be carried out.we will unite forces and achieve unity of action in the service of common objectives and strategic choices.We are conducting a policy of active resistance against the military-sectarian dictatorship installed in Rwanda with a view to establishing a rule of law in Rwanda that respects international democratic standards.


The ideological, political and moral bankruptcy of the RPF and its inability to reconcile the Rwandan people are proven facts. A feeling of mistrust and structural rigidity undermines the country, which is sinking deeper and deeper into a disastrous socio-economic and political situation. The economic and social bankruptcy of the RPF regime, masked by a Mafia privatization policy, has plunged large layers of the population into poverty. The State and the whole social system are in a situation of generalized decay.

Our Objectives

Considering the continued deterioration of the political, social, economic and moral situation in our country;

Convinced of the need to promote peace, security and stability as a precondition for the reconciliation of the Rwandan people

Aware that the regime in place constitutes the major obstacle to democracy, justice and socio-economic development of our country;

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Each session will be provided as a concierge service at your location of choice which can include your home, office, or temporary dwelling such as a hotel. Arrangements will be made with you to provide each session within one week prior to surgery and within one week after surgery. Depending on the type of surgery and patient request, additional sessions can be arranged as well. The specific components and doses will vary for each patient.

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