Who are the UDF in short?
The United Democratic Forces (UDF-Inkingi) are a Rwandese political organisation that was created by Rwandan exiles with a key objective of ending totalitarianism that has been established the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) party and to replace it with the rule of law in Rwanda, a good governance underpinned by democratic values, justice, equal opportunity and ethnic harmony. That moral responsibility has become a necessity given that the RPF regime is driven by ethnic discrimination, injustice and state sponsored terror both inside and outside of Rwanda.
The UDF-Inkingi was founded in 2006 following a merger of three political parties, namely the FRD (Forces for Democratic Resistance), the ADR-Isangano (Rwandese Democratic Alliance) and the RDR (Republican Rally for Democracy in Rwanda), together with independent individuals. The party established its headquarters in Rwanda in 2010, but the RPF never allowed their members to operate freely. Many of them were either murdered, or reported missing, or else thrown in jail.
Indeed, the RPF has used the most vicious means to persecute and silence us. In 2010, for example, when Mrs Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, our president at the time, went to Rwanda to try to register the party and run in the Rwandan presidential elections against President Paul Kagame. She was soon thrown in jail, tried and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Fortunately, she was able to appeal to the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and the Court ruled that Rwanda has violated her rights to freedom of expression and to an adequate defence. To save face, instead of releasing her to follow up on the African court’s ruling, President Paul Kagame granted her presidential pardon (in 2018). The regime continued to deny FDU-Inkingi the right to register as a political party in Rwanda.
FDU-Inkingi leadership from its foundation
2006-2010: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza (Netherlands)
2010-2014: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza (Rwanda) and Eugène Ndahayo (Belgium)
2014-2018: Joseph Bukeye (Belgium)
2018-2021: Justin Bahunga (UK)
From 2021- to date: Placide Kayumba (Belgium)

The very foundation of city management, the rule of law that our organization seeks to promote includes and highlights the principles of legality, the rule of law and equality before the law. He rejects arbitrariness. In a country like Rwanda, which has continuously experienced authoritarian, even autocratic regimes, our political organization fights for political institutions that defend the fundamental rights of the human person and are based on political pluralism.
Also, we adhere perfectly to the ideals of equality and freedom which justified the fight against racism, slavery and colonization of which the Black People was the victim. In a particular way, in a country like ours which, on the one hand, has known the absolute racism that constitutes genocide and massive crimes against humanity and which, on the other hand, continues to spread ostracism among its fellow citizens, the attachment to its founding values of Pan-Africanism no longer needs to be demonstrated. Guaranteeing equality before the law, equal opportunity and fundamental freedoms against the oppression of power must be the daily struggle of our organization.
It is about the ability and the right of the human person to unleash creativity, to take charge of their problems, to determine and pursue their destiny, to decide and answer (responsibility) for their own actions. Individual autonomy founds democracy as an institution of all, because as equals they participate in the management of society and society. Faced with a centralizing and authoritarian political culture which has induced generalized conformism and blind obedience to power “Ilivuze umwami”, our organization recognizes as a right the resistance against oppression which pushes the individual to denounce any State, any policy , any sovereign who undermines the humanity of the human person, a founding humanity of citizenship.
Solidarity implies the recognition and the permanent taking into account of the interdependencies which bind the different social categories, the rich and the poor, families, generations, even people between them. Solidarity induces social justice. We are not born with the same fortune and life does not always give us equal opportunities, our organization fights for this equality and says that every human person has the right, whatever the circumstances, to a decent life based on sufficient resources and their equitable distribution. Solidarity is incompatible with racism, ethnicism and the rejection of minorities.
The genocide and crimes against humanity as well as the unprecedented violence that were committed in Rwanda have left indelible traces in the memory of people. It is criminal to deny or to relativize the absolute tragedy suffered by the victims and their surviving relatives. These victims or their relatives now constitute a specific category to which it is necessary to recognize the particular suffering, to render justice and to repair, even if it will be only partial, the damage suffered. So that such a humanitarian disaster does not happen again in our country, our organization is committed to defending against all odds the absolute right to life and to keeping the candle lit in memory of the victims.
Citizen ownership and trust in institutions requires citizens to directly control and effectively inspire the exercise of power. It is essential that each individual, at all levels of society, become aware of his rights and duties. To do this, our organization undertakes to have the popular initiative recognized and introduced into the Constitution as a constitutional right. It is the ability given to citizens to exercise directly, alongside parliament and government, their share of sovereignty.
The other manifestation of the success of a democracy is that decisions are taken at the level of the various spheres of proximity to the citizen so that the latter feels fully involved in public life. Decentralization is this multiplication of decision-making bodies within reach of the citizen in what is called local power where the national level accepts and gives free rein to the creativity of local power. Decentralization would allow the free expression of certain cultural particularisms and the emancipation of economic and social dynamics.
Our organization attaches great importance to the sustainable and equitable management of natural resources and the conservation of the environment, as well as the rehabilitation of the balance of ecosystems degraded by human activity. This means that, because in solidarity with future generations to whom we must leave resources for their own lives, any political decision must be subject to an assessment of its medium and long-term effects on ecological balances and on the environment. future of human societies, Rwandan society in particular.